Go语言实现拓扑排序(Topological Sorting)算法在
package main
import (
// topologicalSort performs a topological sort on a directed graph.
// numCourses is the number of courses, and prerequisites is a list of prerequisite pairs.
func topologicalSort(numCourses int, prerequisites [][]int) []int {
// Create an adjacency list and an in-degree array
adjList := make(map[int][]int)
inDegree := make([]int, numCourses)
// Populate the adjacency list and in-degree array
for _, prereq := range prerequisites {
dest, src := prereq[0], prereq[1]
adjList[src] = append(adjList[src], dest)
// Initialize a queue with all nodes having in-degree of 0
queue := []int{}
for i := 0; i < numCourses; i++ {
if inDegree[i] == 0 {
queue = append(queue, i)
var topologicalOrder []int
// Process until the queue becomes empty
for len(queue) > 0 {
vertex := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
topologicalOrder = append(topologicalOrder, vertex)
// For each neighbor, reduce its in-degree by 1
for _, neighbor := range adjList[vertex] {
// If in-degree becomes 0, add it to the queue
if inDegree[neighbor] == 0 {
queue = append(queue, neighbor)
// Check if topological sort is possible or not
if len(topologicalOrder) == numCourses {
return topologicalOrder
} else {
return []int{} // Return an empty list if there is a cycle in the graph
func main() {
numCourses := 6
prerequisites := [][]int{
{5, 2},
{5, 0},
{4, 0},
{4, 1},
{2, 3},
{3, 1},
result := topologicalSort(numCourses, prerequisites)
- 创建邻接表(
)。 - 遍历所有边,填充邻接表和入度数组。
- 将所有入度为0的节点加入队列。
- 依次处理队列中的节点,更新其邻接节点的入度,并将新的入度为0的节点加入队列。
- 最终,如果排序结果中的节点数量等于图中的节点数,则返回拓扑排序结果;否则,说明图中有环,返回空列表。